重要更新- 4月27日

Summer semester is upon us and we are writing to share academic programming updates and the resources available as a PG电子APP student. Please review the following information and join us at our Student Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, 4月28日与学院领导:

  • Summer semester begins as scheduled and published within the 2019/2020 学术目录.  
  • 在线课程按计划继续进行. 
  • On-Campus Theory courses will take place online throughout the summer semester ending on August 7, 2020. Follow instructor guidelines for lecture times via Zoom/Microsoft Teams that may be held during regularly scheduled class times. Test proctoring by faculty may also occur on-campus for major exams per instructor guidelines.? 
  • Essential labs deemed necessary through academic program requirements will continue to be held on campus at the start of the summer semester. 
  • 期中考试后, 从周一开始,所有的实验室都计划回到校内面对面的形式, 6月29日, 2020.
  • 临床轮转将根据项目的可用性完成.Students will need to work with program directors and clinical coordinators for details
  • 当动手活动正在执行时, students and faculty should use protective masks and increased sanitation practices.  
  • Testing Center services will remain open on campus with limited testers in the space and extended hours on Saturdays through the summer semester. 所有测试人员都需要佩戴防护口罩. Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor will continue to be available for all courses.   
  • 夏季毕业典礼计划于2020年8月8日举行. 如果州和联邦的指导方针不允许举行大型集会, 学院将沟通替代方案. 
  • 学生、教职员工的健康和安全是我们的首要任务. 因此,请注意校园计划可能会发生变化. 
  • Increased infection control procedures on campus will remain in place until further notice. Please do not come to campus if you have answered yes to either of the following questions and 请在网上填写自我隔离表格:  
  1. Have you come into close contact (within 6’) with someone who has a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 14 days without use of personal protective equipment (PPE)?
  2. 你有以下症状吗:发烧100华氏度.高出4华氏度, 发冷, 咳嗽, 身体疼痛, 头疼, 味觉或嗅觉新丧失, 喉咙痛, 呼吸短促或呼吸困难? 

秋季学期(FA 2020) 

  • Fall semester is planned to begin as scheduled per the published 校历. 
  • 学生、教职员工的健康和安全是我们的首要任务. The College will determine if there will be any changes to Fall academic programming or campus access by the end of the summer semester.  


  • PG电子APP Student Financial Crisis Fund is available to all students to apply who are suffering financially due to the COVID19 pandemic. Students should apply for financial assistance if you are struggling due to loss of income, 照顾孩子的变化, 医疗费用..等. 你们需要帮助才能在这个前所未有的时期生存下来. 更多资料可浏览: http://studentaccounts.jiechengstone.net/coronavirus/student-resources/ 
  • CARES ACT: The CARES Act provides funding to institutions of higher education across the country to assist students who are impacted financially by the COVID 19 pandemic (excluding students enrolled in only online courses prior to coronavirus).  《PG电子APP》和来自美国的适用指导.S. 教育部规定了各院校必须如何管理这些资金.  PG电子APP is currently reviewing the guidance and is determining how funds will be disbursed. 更多信息将在以后的邮件中提供给学生. 
  • 学费 rate increase eliminated for the 2020/2021 academic year to ease student financial burden during the pandemic. 虽然计划的增加是最小的, the College continues to examine all operational costs to ease the financial burden on students. 

校园访问 & 服务 

  • 所有学院办公室保持开放,以便学生可以访问学术PG电子APP. This includes the 图书馆, Testing Center, Interprofessional Learning Center and Success Center. 
  • Student access to campus resources and facilities will remain open by use of your Student ID Badge at all entry points. 
  • Testing Center services will remain available on-campus, with extended testing hours on Saturdays. 
  • Increased infection control procedures will remain in place on campus until further notice. 
  • The Residence Hall on campus remains open only to current student residents living on campus and faculty who office there. 


  • Students can choose to volunteer your expertise if/when called upon during this pandemic. PG电子APP创建了一个表格, 与学生会协会(SGA)合作, 组织志愿者工作. 如果你选择成为志愿者的一部分,如果被召唤, 请查看更多信息并填写表格 http://studentaccounts.jiechengstone.net/volunteer/ 


感谢你们为自己的未来选择了医疗保健这条道路. 你是特殊事物的一部分,你的角色很重要. You are the future heroes, and there is no time to slow down now, because the world needs you! 我们的学生已经在这场大流行中发挥了关键作用, 我们感谢你们,并为你们无私地每天所做的工作感到骄傲.  


Dr. Aubray Orduna