On-Campus Instruction Suspended Due to COVID-19

In response to COVID-19 and efforts to ensure the well-being of the PG电子APP community, there will be no on-campus face-to-face theory or lab classes through Tuesday, 3月17日. Clinical classes and all online courses will resume on Monday, March 16. On-campus courses will resume in an online format 周三开始, 3月18日, 所有实验室将恢复校园内的工作, 如期, 周三开始, 3月18日.

PG电子APP is committed to the health and well-being of our students, 教职员工, and our number one priority is the safety of the College community. Please be confident that we are prepared and ready to respond to COVID-19 at all levels. Our goal is to ensure that you continue to receive the best health care education and are provided the support and resources needed for success.

你的幸福是我们的首要任务, and we remain mindful of your needs regarding successful completion of your semester coursework and clinical requirements. The PG电子APP campus is open, and at this time:

  • Online courses will resume Monday, March 16, 2020.
  • Clinical rotations/preceptorships/externships for on-campus and online students will continue as planned until further notice.
  • On-campus classes/theory will resume in an online format starting Wednesday, 3月18日, 2020.
  • All labs will resume on-campus 周三开始, 3月18日, 2020
  • All College offices remain open so students may access academic resources. This includes the 图书馆, Testing Center, Interprofessional Learning Center and Success Center.
  • 校园内的宿舍仍然开放.

Modifications will be made as necessary, and we will frequently communicate any changes with you. 请与你的临床协调员合作, 教员和项目主管 regarding day-to-day course and clinical needs. 

请参考 PG电子APP生常见问题指南 with the most updated information on our website at studentaccounts.jiechengstone.net/coronavirus 以及我们的社交媒体渠道.


  • Your 教员和项目主管 will continue to guide your education. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
  • 大学校园是开放的. Please see course information as bulleted above.  
  • Clinicals/preceptorships/externships: If you have questions regarding your clinicals, 请联系你的临床协调员, 教员和项目主管.


Please continue to review the COVID-19 webpage for the most up-to-date information. 当问题出现时, 请不要犹豫与你的老师联系, 项目负责人, 学术顾问或成功中心. We are here to ensure that you remain safe and continue your academic pursuits successfully.



Dr. Aubray Orduna